$999.00 CAD

1. I am committed to paying the full price of $999.00 CAD.

2. I am committed to showing up for the weekly 2 hour calls for the 8 weeks to the best of my ability.

3. I am committed to watching the pre-recorded content and completing the integration homework for each week to the best of my ability. 

4. I am committed to using Voxer to communicate my needs in between sessions. 

5. I understand that my growth and healing within this group mentorship program depends on my own integration, communication and commitment to the journey. 

Womb Priestess: Half Moon Investment

What you'll get:
  • 8 - 2 hour live calls via Zoom
  • 2 weeks of integration 
  • Custom Soulful Support through our Voxer Mentorship Group Chat
  • Kajabi account with 500+ resources (Journal Prompts, Meditations, Yoga Classes, Tarot Spreads & more) 
  • Womb Priestess Soul Care Healing Package - mailed within the first month of the program to those in Canada & the US


All you need to know about Womb Priestess can be found here