$1,199.00 CAD

1. I am committed to paying the full price of $1,199.00 CAD.

2. I am committed to showing up for the weekly 2 hour calls for the 5 weeks to the best of my ability.

3. I am committed to using Voxer to communicate my needs in between sessions. 

4. I understand that my growth and healing within the Akashic Wisdom Program, depends on my own integration, communication and commitment to the journey. 

Akashic Wisdom Program - Full Moon Investment

A 5-week Group Mentorship to support you in unlocking the secrets of your soul. 

The Akashic Wisdom Program is a soul-level healing pathway woven with new paradigm feminine empowerment & divine living teachings, with a simplified system to read & clear your own soul level Akashic Record so you can shift once and for all deeply rooted subconscious, cellular, somatic & karmic patterns getting int he way of creating the true change you desire.

You get the basic foundational frame of reference of what it means to navigate TRUE soul level embodied transformation, while using the Akashic Records to transmute, clear and shift energetic states to support an outcome. 

Understand what it means for women to rise in a new paradigm of feminine prosperity +++ plus the Flower Of Life Akashic Method ™, which is a multi-dimentional, body based, framework  to accelerate your own soulful path as a women who is being called to walk her sacred in the modern world.

Are you ready to...

  • Access deeper levels of inner wisdom & healing to guide your life as a modern woman feeling the call to walk her sacred in the world?
  • Clear deeply entrenched soul level patterns as you accelerate your feminine evolution?
  • Open up to NEW empowering choice points to shift the trajectory of your life towards your desired outcome with so much more ease & clarity.
  • Release OLD stories associated with your current self-image that are keeping you playing small, while DEFINING NEW empowered stories to support your embodied next level?
  • Fine tune your intuition?

It's time to break free!