$899.00 CAD

1. I am committed to paying the full cost of 899.00 CAD.

2. I am committed to showing up for the weekly 2 hour calls for the 9 weeks.

3. I am committed to using Voxer to communicate my needs in between sessions. 

4. I understand that my growth and progress within this container depends on my dedication to this type of healing, the integration practices and holding myself accountable. 

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Wild Witch Coven

The Wild Witch Coven is a sacred 9 week container that allows you to connect with your inner wisdom, stand in your sovereignty and reclaim your inner witch! We connect with the power from within, along with the cosmos, elements, and nature to activate the magic that is always available to us. 

Through learning how to be an ethical witch, following the witches calendar, journeying through the Akashic Field, and embracing your inner cosmic, elemental, green and kitchen witch, you will be able to heal on a soul level that is not only relieving but activating. As the Wild Witch Coven supports you in ascending to your next level on your soul's journey.  

We are all witches in our own right because being a witch isn’t about what you do but who you are, in your soul. You are a witch because you are aligned with the Earth, reminding you that you’re a natural healer. All of the teachings, rituals and practices that are taught will feel like deep rememberings to your soul, because your soul has felt them before. Just wait and see.

I can't wait to begin this journey with you!



Find out more about the Wild Witch Coven HERE