Akashic Wisdom Program 

5-Week Group Mentorship  
Monday, November 18/24 - Monday, December 16/24, 5-7pm MST / 7-9pm EST

A 5-week Group Mentorship to support you in unlocking the secrets of your soul...


I am ready to invest
"Hannah has put together this program in such a way that makes it easy to understand and navigate. Beyond the weekly classes, she offers continuous support and check-ins as well as materials to refer to. I would highly recommend this program to anyone wishing or curious to explore the Akashic Records. Hannah guides and supports with compassion, and makes it easy to understand regardless of where you are on your journey of the Akashic Records."


- Shalene, AWP Cohort 2 Graduate

The Akashic Wisdom Program is a soul-level healing pathway woven with new paradigm feminine empowerment & divine living teachings, with a simplified system to read & clear your own soul level Akashic Record so you can shift once and for all deeply rooted subconscious, cellular, somatic & karmic patterns getting int he way of creating the true change you desire.


Count me in!!
You get the basic foundational frame of reference of what it means to navigate TRUE soul level embodied transformation, while using the Akashic Records to transmute, clear and shift energetic states to support an outcome. 
Understand what it means for divine beings to rise in a new paradigm of feminine prosperity +++ plus the Flower Of Life Akashic Method ™, which is a multi-dimentional, body based, framework to accelerate your own soulful path as a divine being who is being called to walk their sacred path in the modern world.
So are you ready to...
✨Access deeper levels of inner wisdom & healing to guide your life as a modern being feeling the call to walk their sacred soul path in the world?
Clear deeply entrenched soul level patterns as you accelerate your feminine evolution?
✨Open up to NEW empowering choice points to shift the trajectory of your life towards your desired outcome with so much more ease & clarity?
Release OLD stories associated with your current self-image that are keeping you playing small, while DEFINING NEW empowered stories to support your embodied next level?
Fine tune your intuition?


I am ready!



It’s time to break free, wouldn’t you agree?

"This program was the perfect next step in my healing journey and I would highly recommend to anyone who feels ready to go into their own akashic records. Hannah creates a beautiful safe space and community which makes the learning and experience so fun and playful. By taking this program you are setting yourself up to take healing into your own hands and explore your dream life. I absolutely adored this program and has already changed my life." 


- Lauren, AWP Cohort 3 Graduate

Now is the time... 

Now is your time to live in the free, full expression of your pleasure, beauty, purpose, prosperity and the radiance of true divine feminine POWER! 
The good news is the rise of the Divine Feminine is here and we are truly entering the golden age of  ROYAL feminine power.
The way of love, unity, connection, joyful purpose, and prosperity is yours to walkand to share with others, should you choose through your own path of service.
Currently, there is a deep ache on the planet. Collectively we can feel it. There is a yearning for a return to great love, freedom, unity, beauty, abundance, and wholeness. The re-emergence of the divine feminine is here to assist once again. This is needed at this time as we restore the wounding in the collective, and hi create a new balance of power and prosperity on the planet, and even within each one of us as well.
So much of the healing needed extends past this current timeline, reaching back many, many generations and even past lives before now.
I’m ready!
"As usual, Hannah delivered with a beautiful, supportive program, chock full of useful and interesting information. They are adept at teaching would-be practitioners how to initiate into this important and life-changing journey. I have integrated so much of the material into my daily life and routine. Thank you Hannah for being my powerful guide and teacher on this latest level of my healing journey!" 


- Jeneil, AWP Cohort 1 Graduate

The Akashic Wisdom Program Includes:



5 - 2 hour group Akashic Wisdom Program Sessions


During these sessions I teach you the Flower Of Life Akashic Method ™ that was created by Tara Preston, founder of the Akashic Women's School. 


These sessions support you with:

  • A framework for expansive, embodied, wholeness & prosperity - coming into a place of deep knowingness that you are more than enough, where you have more energy and prosperity to create lives on your terms

  • Healing the Mother Wound

  • Healing your relationship to yourself 

  • Learning a deep spiritual power tool to navigate your authentic path

  • A space for healing, & reflection

  • Clarity for your divine truth and soul purpose 

  • Becoming an empowered creator

Unlimited email access between sessions 


Use this space to send me any questions on assigned homework, divine rituals and soul support.  


Voxer support between sessions during my office hours 


Use this space to connect with me and the other divine beings in the group mentorship, in between sessions to support your process. 

I will offer intuitive support to provide you with the guidance that is needed in the moment. 

On-going channelled access from your higher self to guide your path.


Count me in!
Personal soul-level patterns, ancestral and collective wounding are held in our cellular memory and at a subconscious soul level. Each soul has an Akashic Record that is held in an energetic 5th dimensional library of infinite wisdom. The Akashic Record of each soul holds the memories, choice points, and traumatic experiences of the soul and once cleared, offers the deepest level of healing, then opening up the way for rapid (but gentle) energetic shifts that support the changes desired along a woman’s evolving sacred path – only now we are not bumping up against the vibration blocks that are held at the deepest level of our being experience greater ease, and fulfillment as we move forward.
Being in the radiant intelligent substance of the Akasha field alone produces a gentle transmission of healing and attunement that assistance with clarity, as well as release.
In order to restore the feminine blueprint within (and globally) we can benefit immensely from having another woman reflect back to us our buried beauty, power, wisdom, sense of innate clarity and the gifts held within. This while simultaneously untangling layers of lifetimes of energetic blocks holding us hostage in past ways of being that do not serve our highest evolution creates accelerated SOUL LEVEL growth. 
If we are to experience a rapid acceleration of freedom, balanced power, and prosperity past any generations before us  here on the planet at this time, then we need deep healing tools. We need healing work that gets to the deepest subconscious, sou-level, cellular aspect of our being.  
We need the rise of those that feel called to participate in the planets healing at this time to step forward, to shed the layers of past programming, conditioning and limitation, and say YES to their radiance, prosperity and power.
"The Akashic Wisdom Program really helped me unlock my psychic intuitive abilities on a deeper level. I appreciate how grounded and heart opening it felt, even in the midst of doing difficult shadow/ancestral/past life healing work. The blockage clearing felt very powerful and effective, as well as inspiring to further integrate the lessons through tangible actions. Hannah as a teacher and space holder is caring, insightful and supportive all throughout the course and beyond."


- Fae, AWP Cohort 3 Graduate

Akashic Wisdom Program Investment

Monday, November 18/24 - Monday, December 16/24, 5-7pm MST / 7-9pm EST

Investment Includes:
  • 5 Weekly 2 hour zoom calls
  • Custom Soulful Support through our Voxer Group Chat throughout the 5 weeks together
  • Kajabi account with resources (Journal Prompts, Meditations, Soulful Exercises and more) 
  • Facebook Group for Graduates of the Akashic Wisdom Program for ongoing q&a support  
  • Quarterly calls for all Akashic Wisdom Program graduates that include q&a, sharing, a chance to practice in your own Akashic Records and a journey led by Hannah  
  • Exploring Chakra Healing Masterclass 
  • 3 months free in the Cyclical Magic Membership

Tiered Pricing System:

🌑 New Moon Investment - $777.00 CAD total

🌓 Half Moon Investment - $999.00 CAD total

🌕 Full Moon Investment - $1,199.00 CAD total

Payment Options:
  • New Moon Investment includes everything in the group mentorship program - limited availability at this investment, first come first serve. 
  • Half Moon Investment includes everything in the group mentorship program 
  • Full Moon Investment includes everything in the group mentorship program PLUS a 1:1 Soul Alchemy Akashic Session with Hannah 
  • Scholarship Application - click here to apply for future cohorts. Applications due by November 11/24. 
  • Custom Payment Plans Available Upon Request - click here to discuss more. 
I’m ready!

$777.00 CAD

New Moon Investment - Pay In Full


$388.50 CAD

New Moon Investment - 2 Monthly Payments


$999.00 CAD

Half Moon Investment - Pay in Full


$499.50 CAD

Half Moon Investment - 2 Monthly Payments


$1,199.00 CAD

Full Moon Investment - Pay in Full


$599.50 CAD

Full Moon Investment - 2 Monthly Payments


Looking for a custom payment plan or to find out more about the Akashic Wisdom 5-Week Group Mentorship Program?

Book a Tea Date with Hannah below... 

Book Tea Date Now

As the divine feminine within awakens , layers of old programming, blocks, patterns and wounds are asked to be released so we may flow forward into our own natural prosperous, purposeful evolution as modern woman feeling the call to walk their radiant sacred in the world once again. Clearing these layers of blocks, patterns, programs and wounds, opens the path to new choice points supporting us in being conscious powerful creatrix’s of our own lives. 

As we begin to simultaneously reclaim our sovereignty, while clearing the layers and lifetimes of energetic subconscious soul-level patterning that has created a disconnect between our true divine nature, we may then fully root back into our true prosperous divine nature as a divine being. But in order to day we need a deep healing tool that can also get to the VERY root of the patterning that keeps us feeling limited in our experience and full expression.

Very often living your purpose and following the call into your divine feminine empowerment very often healing is required not just through ancestral, soul level healing but around collective wounding as well. For a long time on the planet, we have not had the opportunity to live our purpose like we do now.

The Akashic Records are a powerful tool that assists with rapid soul level ascension while releasing eons of energetic baggage.

Through this 5-Week Group Mentorship you will: 
  • Understand (AND EXPERIENCE) how to work with the Akasha for yourself – TO ACCELERATE YOUR FEMININE EVOLUTION

  • Understand who you are as a divine  being have a physical experience so you show up powerfully in your own life creating life on your terms.

  • Understand the primary cycles of soul level transformation, so you can flow gracefully through change.
  • Understand what true soul level embodiment is, and why it’s important when integrating NEW energetic states to create the outcome you actually desire.
  • Work with timelines both past, present and future to intentionally create along your soul aligned path
  • Receive a deep frame of reference around the empowered feminine so you can shift out of wounded feminine pain bodies and patterns, finding so much freedom in every area of life!

  • Receive a powerful spiritual tool that will work as a sacred ally for your life.

  • Deepen your ability to trust your intuition as you work within the Akasha field/Akashic Records

  • Awaken your own wisdom, natural gifts & body intelligence.

  • Let go at the soul root, past life life stories/fears holding you back so you can move forward fast.

  • Begin to heal emotional/physical pain as you work with a high-frequency source of love & healing in the Akashic Field.

  • Understand how to use the wisdom of the Akasha to navigate your soul path for clarity, transmuting density to move forward fast

  • Begin clearing out old pain, and stagnant emotional energy beginning a gentle purification process of all energy bodies down to the cellular level so you can open the way to upgraded true lasting soulful change.

  • Activate new levels of consciousness as you clear old energetic “stuff” ready to be released.

  • Learn to read your Akashic Record and work with the Akashic Field for yourself.

  • Partner with this source of love, wisdom and ancient healing that can beautifully assist your path as a sacred prosperous being in today’s evolving modern world.

  • Understand how to shift beyond limitation, lack, and pain patterns and discover Akashic soul-level clearing work to guide your sacred path as well.

  • How to re-write old stories with the Flower Of Life Akashic Healing Method & Outline for your embodied next level and flourishing feminine path as well!

"This program was a most intriguing and beautiful method for one to become acquainted with the Akashic field and one’s Akashic records. The sacredness and teachings were quite remarkable as Hannah is a most compassionate & thoughtful healer, a sacred space holder. Hannah provides a space that feels so real and grounded, yet her skills and abilities to connect with the divine intelligence of the Akashic field is of the highest intention and with a gracious heart. Thank you Hannah for doing the healing work you give with all your heart."


- Connie, AWP Cohort 3 Graduate
Hi, I'm Hannah 

I am an Akashic Guide & Healer, Published Author and Mystical Witch who is here to help shift the vibration of the planet with my soul gifts.


I recognize that we all have healing to do as I have been on a deep spiritual healing journey since I got sober on January 1, 2019. I am able to connect to the Divine energies all around us, as well as within myself and others through many different divination practices but also through channeling.


I have a child-like spirit and an old soul, which allows me to see through a variety of lenses! This benefits me and my clients because I have a vast perspective of how our healing journeys can and will unfold.

I completed my Flower of Life Akashic Certification, Advanced Akashic Women's Guide Certification, and Akashic Wisdom Teacher Training through the Akashic Women's School with Tara Preston.